feverfewis a new stage ofThe Burrow ACla cual trabaja desde 2015 en proyectos artísticos enfocados a problemáticas específicas como:
We have obtained prizes and national and international financing for the development of various projects and in this new stage we seek to increase our impact both socially and artistically, as well as expand our collaboration and interdisciplinary networks.
Integral Artistic Project in favour of Gender Equality
A project that invites joint action in favour of gender equality, joining efforts with other organisations and groups to address the issue of violence against women, mainly among young people, based on art and other disciplines.
It provides a space for reflection and analysis to learn to recognise violence in its minimal expressions and thus be able to transform it.
2018– Artistic day at the “José Ma. Morelos y Pavón” high school in Tláhuac, CDMX in collaboration with the Crea Ciudad and La Bóveda collectives.
2019– Artistic days in the municipalities of Nealtican and San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, in collaboration with the previous groups in addition to The Pollination Project, Ayuda en Acción, Puente Ciudadano and the City Council of San Andrés Cholula