feverfewis a new stage ofThe Burrow ACla cual trabaja desde 2015 en proyectos artísticos enfocados a problemáticas específicas como:
We have obtained prizes and national and international financing for the development of various projects and in this new stage we seek to increase our impact both socially and artistically, as well as expand our collaboration and interdisciplinary networks.
Soledad into the space
A Mexico -Spain Coproduction
Project in development
Premieres 2021
Soledad into the space is a documentary performance in which its three protagonists try to travel through the different places where they lived to put together a map of emotional territories, initially connecting places where the three for some strange reason coincided -not in time but yes in space- and thus be able to trace through a collective memory that is reinvented with fiction, a meeting point, a new place in that time and shared space, almost unattainable because the three of them are in constant motion.